Central Brevard
Rock & Gem Club


To foster interest in and to promote knowledge and appreciation of minerals, gems, fossils, and all Earth Sciences. We also disseminate information and instruction in the lapidary arts and the utilization of precious metals in our crafts.  These goals are accomplished through member participation in the club meetings, workshops, study groups, and field trips.

    President                 Mario Vento

   1st V. President

   2nd V.President   Tom Brown        

    Secretary                Andrew Pepper

    Treasurer                Jennifer Davis


   John Catana

   Carol Warner

   Rick Prickett

   Erleen Estes



CBRGC current bylaws

The 2023 Club Officers installation was held at the annual Christmas party at the Olive Garden on Merritt Island.

We are a member of The Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc. and affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.

The Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc.
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies


All are free to attend the monthly meetings, but have you considered joining the club as a member? With membership you will have access to to the lapidary equipment at the workshop and you can sign up for advanced classes to to learn new skills and pursue your rock hobby further.  If your are new or renewing your membership, please print out form below and bring it to the next meeting. The membership is $30 per year, the JUNIOR membership is $10.00 (under 18 w/parent).

Workshop Location

Workshop Hours

The workshop is open to all members in good standing on the days listed below. The cost is $10.00 per 3 hour session. For Thursday hours, please call Mario at 321-593-2958 to confirm.

Monday-Tuesday           Closed

Wednesday                     9:30am -12:30pm      1:00 pm-4:00 pm

Thursday                         6:30 pm-9:00 pm (Note: call to confirm)

Friday-Saturday            Closed

Sunday                             1:00 pm – 4:00 pm