Silver Casting

Silver Casting Description

Students will learn about lost wax techniques, the use of molds and assembly of a wax tree. Once silver melting process is completed, the piece will be cleaned using burs, files and tumblers as well as hand cleaning. Individual pieces will be the choice of the student using molds already in the workshop.



No experience required


Estimated Cost of Supplies

 The cost will be determine by market price of silver.  Our club members have used two companies for supplies of Rio Grande and or FDJTool and both of the links are below.


Class Fees

$20 each class session, plus a one time fee of $10 for the investment. If the student wishes to make their own molds, that can be taught at a$10 cost per mold. 



3 sessions, held in consecutive days, first 2 sessions 3 hours each, the last is the burn out session that will need 8 hours plus clean up time.

If you are interested in the silver casting class,  please use our contact link below with the class title in the subject line.